Lesson 1 Learning from scratch


    This is the first lesson of free course on https://anglopod.teachable.com. The name of course is Learn real-life English | STUDY


    learn from scratch – start learning from absolute beginner level, from zero
    go out – socialise with other people
    join in – take part in, participate
    frustrating – a situation that makes you annoyed because you can’t do what you want
    pick up – learn casually, informally, through conversation
    motivated – a feeling that encourages you to do something
    flick through – look at the pages of a book very quickly
    note down – write notes in a book
    a spare few minutes – a bit of extra, free time when you’re not busy
    build up – increase, develop
    keep up with – maintain the same speed or level as others
    slow down – reduce speed
    surrounded by – something is all around you
    get by – manage, survive, cope
    get my message across – communicate what you want to say to other people
    stick with something – continue to do something without giving up, even though it may be hard
    rewarding – something that makes you feel positive at the end of a difficult task


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