Клим Жуков о крестовых походах, часть 2: Крестоносное вооружение от источников к дос


    Список литературы
    1. Blair, C. European Armour: circa 1066 to circa 1700 (2nd ed.). London: Batsford, 1972.
    2. Nicolle D. Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era 1050 – 1350. London 1999
    3. Nicolle D. Medieval Warfare Source Book. Warfare in Western Christendom. London 1995
    4. Ashdown C.H. European Arms and Armor. NY. 1995
    5. Kohlmorgen J. Der mittelalterliche Ritterschild. Wald-Michelbach, 2005
    6. Oakeshott R.E. The Sword in the Age of Chivalry Boydell Press, 1964
    7. Oakeshott R.E. Records of the Medieval Sword Boydell Press, 1991.
    8. Noel, William and Daniel Weiss, eds. (2002), The Book of Kings: Art, War, and the Morgan Library’s Medieval Picture Bible (Baltimore: Walters Art Museum). [catalog of recent exhibition]


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