JUST DO IT! ft. Shia LaBeouf – Songify This


    Shia LaBeouf delivers the most inspiring inspirational anthem in the history of anthems, which includes the band U2, even.

    original video: https://vimeo.com/125095515


    Paste down my face
    On my hair, on my shirt
    She looks at me
    And I’m lookin at her

    Your life is your life
    Somewhere there is light
    The gods wait to delight in you
    It beats the darkness
    You are marvelous
    Whos’ pretending to be who?

    Your life is your life
    The forms, the repetitions
    Don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission
    You should get to the point
    Where anyone else would quit
    You’re gonna wake up
    And work hard at it

    Just do it
    Nothing is impossible
    Just do it
    Yesterday you said tomorrow
    Just do it
    Don’t let your dream be dreams
    The more often you do it, the more light there will be – hee
    The more light there will be – hee

    I squirt toothpaste in my mouth
    I start to brush
    She’s looking at me
    I start to blush
    Sometimes it feels like
    We fill that void between us
    That void between you
    And Shia LaBeouf
    Paste down my face
    On my hair, on my shirt
    She looks at me
    And I’m lookin at her
    I rubbed myself on the watermelon for pleasure
    Ebb and flow
    Expanding the pressure

    Just do it
    Nothing is impossible
    Just do it
    Yesterday you said tomorrow
    Just do it
    Don’t let your dream be dreams
    The more often you do it, the more light there will be

    (repeat chorus until the end of time when the galaxies implode upon themselves and into each other and create an infinitely dense point of light and energy)


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