Gary and Tracy Richardson’s Wedding Flash Mob 15/06/2013


    Our perfect day of love, laughter, music and reflection…

    Whilst planning our wedding we knew we wanted something a bit different. Upholding tradition but with a modern twist. So when our incredibly accommodating and inspiring Vicar, Reverend Kate Bottley of St Mary and St Martin’s, Blyth, suggested a ‘flash mob’, we were sold!

    Armed with our choreographer – Dawn Cherry and Musical Director – Nigel Solway (both of whom are part of ‘Blucrew’, a fundraising group for Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice, Nr Sheffield) and along with 28 of our family and friends, we set about rehearsals to create something unique and that would bring our service to life.

    So for those of you who took part, thank you for your time and commitment, you made our wish come true and have created a lasting memory. For those of you who were there, thank you again for being with us and joining in and to everyone else, remember – you will always achieve your dreams with the love and support of those around you, a fantastic vicar, church and congregation and a bit of faith!


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