Video «Advantages of Paulownia» (Eng)


    Paulownia is the genus of rapid-growing trees from Paulowniaceaefamily. Paulownia is native to South-East Asia. This tree is widely spread in Japan and Central China.

    Paulownia wood is used for the production of furniture, building structures, finishing materials, toys, plywood, and musical instruments.Paulownia wood is actively used for pellet production (pellets are the alternative source of environmentally friendly thermal energy, which are in great demand in the world market). The leaf mass of Paulownia is used as forage for livestock (cows, sheep, goats, etc.). Paulownia has many flowers rich in nectar. The honey made of its flowers is light, transparent, very clear and fragrant.

    De Nova Agro offers plantlets and one-year-old saplings of different species and varieties of fast-growing tree Paulownia!

    We are glad to offer the following varieties of Paulownia:
    •Paulownia “Tomentosa”
    •Paulownia” Elongata”
    •Paulownia “Hybrid”
    •Paulownia “Shan-Tong”

    The price for Paulownia plantlets and saplings are negotiable. Please call us for further details. De Nova Agro Team is always delighted to answer your questions.


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