Pororo S3 15 Clumsy magician


    Pororo and Crong are on their way to Tongtong’s house on their plane. Tongtong is at home trying to turn his wall clock into a new clock. But he is having a hard time using his magic. The wall clock turns small. Pororo and Crong come through the door. While Tongtong is greeting Pororo and Crong, the wall clock disappears. The clock was always skeptical about Tongtong’s magic.
    While looking for the disappeared clock, Crong finds a magic wand in a jar. Fascinated by the wand, Crong waves the wand and the wand casts a spell on Crong. Crong shrinks and falls into the jar. Crong barely climbs out of the jar but he turns into a doll this time. Will Crong be able turn back into himself again?


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