Level Up 2015 – 6 место – SwordBankai – Animus Project


    6 место – SwordBankai – Animus Project
    SwordBankai (Novice): I had an idea to do my amv on Akame Ga Kill, but next I talked with MagicDarkLight of my project, I start on the concept of the videogame Assassin’s Creed (thanks for the idea! xD). On the whole, I am satisfied, it’s not perfect but I learned a lot of things during a few months to work on my project. I wish to thanks mdl, in one hand to chose me as a novice and in an other hand for all of these hours spent to helped me!:D

    mdl (Pro): I’m quite satisfied with the result, it’s far from being perfect but he learnt a lot of things and I hope he will use it in his next projects. I hope you’ll enjoy this one and expect more from him in the future.

    Аниме: Sword Art Online, Akame Ga Kill
    Музыка: Roby Fayer – Ready to Fight


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