Архивные фотографии Ташкентской школы прапорщиков 1916 год


    Ташкентская школа прапорщиков / The Tashkent School of Ensigns 1916
    Россия в дореволюционных фотографиях
    Ташкентская школа прапорщиков
    Russia in pre-revolutionary photographs
    The Tashkent School of Ensigns
    Cadets March
    The Tashkent School for the Training of Ensigns of the Infantry, or the Tashkent School of Ensigns, was a military school of the armed forces of Imperial Russia, located in Tashkent.
    The Tashkent school of training infantry ensigns was established on November 2, 1915 «due to the incomplete officers of the units of the district troops, as well as to send replenishments to the officer corps of the troops stationed in the theater of military operations». The school prepared the junior ranks to become war-time officers – ensign to replenish officers parts of the Turkestan Military District and parts of leading military operations on the fronts of the First World War…
    The term of study at school was 3 months. About 200 junkers were enrolled in the course. The first graduation from the school took place on February 2, 1916. From May 15, 1916, the Tashkent School was reformed into a 4-month course of study and was staffed by students from higher educational institutions who were called up for mobilization. In the future, the school was returned to a 3-month course. During the existence of the school, at least 8 graduations were made and at least 1800 people received the officer rank…
    The school was located in the premises of the barracks number 564 of the fortress artillery company, which on one side adjoined the Tashkent fortress, and on the other side went out to Makhramsky avenue, that is, was practically in the center of the city…
    Lieutenant Colonel Sergey Vladimirovich Savitsky, who had previously been an educator officer in the Tashkent Cadet Corps, was appointed head of the Tashkent School of Ensigns.
    The cadets of the Tashkent school of ensigns along with the cadets of the Tashkent Military School and the cadets of the Tashkent Cadet Corps in October 1917 fought to defend the power of the Provisional Government in Tashkent during the armed seizure of power on behalf of the Soviets of workers, peasants and soldiers deputies by a coalition of Bolsheviks and left-wing Socialist Revolutionaries.
    Tashkent school of ensigns lasted until the beginning of November 1917, when it was disbanded by decision of the Soviet authorities.


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