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    Antique Hatchet Restoration. Third Time’s a Charm!
    Index of operation and materials:
    0:18 Electrolysis: water and sodium carbonate solution, parts connected to negative side and steel sacrificial anodes to positive sice of a DC power supply (car battery charger). 2-3 hrs at 10amp.
    1:08 Hot wire foam cutter machine and high density foam (kind used as home insulation).
    1:54 Smoothing foam pattern with 320 sandpaper.
    2:55 Gluing foam piece with hot glue.
    3:20 Regular white plaster brushed on foam to help with cast quality.
    4:03 Lost foam mold preparation by sifting fine sand (I’m using burned out petrobond sand but any fine and dry sand would work)
    5:15 Burning out riser foam
    5:40 Adding sodium carbonate as degassing agent and «lite salt» (a mix of potasium cloride and sodium cloride) as flux to the molten aluminum.
    10:10 Cutting riser and feeder on metal cutting bandsaw
    10:55 Refining shape with rasp
    11:12 Sanding from 80 to 800 grit
    11:49 Polishing the handle polishing paste on cotton wheel
    12:08 Re-grinding bevels and sharpening with 2x72 belt grinder


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