Сверхнизкие полёты Геркулеса и Апач по ущелью


    A Really low flying airplanes between mountains Hercules C-130 and Helicopter Apache
    Who could spot huge animals figure on the hill in this video?
    A pair of Hercules C-130 and helicopter Apache flying really very low on the beautiful hot Sunny day at Mach Loop North Wales. Best place to see low flying aircraft is here. Its a very strange and exiting feelings for me when I see plane flying below my feet. I did film this footage from Cad East.
    Military low flying an essential skill for military aircrew. It allows them to undertake various roles like:
    search and rescue
    transporting troops or humanitarian aid
    It also provides military aircrews with one of the best chances of survival. Whatever missions we ask our armed forces to undertake, the aircrew must be able to fulfil the task as effectively as possible, often without time for ‘work up’ training. They are only able to do this through specialist training gained through the use of the UK low flying system.


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