Bashshunter – dota


    Thats the only thing
    you do all day long
    you sit on that? and play DoTa

    Were sitting here in?
    playing some Dota

    Were sittign here in?
    Playing some Dota

    We push on and we’re owning
    with the opponets we’re toying

    Were sitting here in?
    playing some dota

    Running around creeping
    the opponets we’re sleeping

    Were sitting here in?
    playing some dota

    We push on and we’re owning
    with the opponets we’re toying

    were sitting here in?
    playing some dota

    running around creeping
    the opponets we’re sleeping

    were sitting here in?
    playing some dota

    we push onand were owning
    with the opponets we’re toying


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