Mozhdah Jamalzadah – Oba Derta Rowrom (песня на пушту)


    Канадская певица афганского происхождения поет песню Ахмад Захира на пушту Oba Derta Rowrom
    Перевод песни на англ. язык:
    «I will fetch you water and cook you food.
    I am damn ready to go (run away) with you stupid.
    My beloved is a Hindu and I am a Muslim,
    but for his sake I will happily sweep (clean) the Mandir (Hindu temple).
    Drill a hole in the wall so that I can feel (touch) your hand,
    your mason father will repair the wall later on.
    There are two pigeons (girls) sitting on the balcony,
    one is busy shooting people (through her body language)
    and the other one is doing her make up.»


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