Macro-33: Interest Rates Real vs Nominal Practice

iPanda 22127

    What is Economics and Why students should study it?
    “For me, economics is about the world around us; it’s current; it’s always changing; it’s always interesting. It’s the subject that allows you study Tesco’s and ASDA’s methods of competition one day, and learn about the environment and pollution permits the next. It’s about the modern world; it’s about how we behave, how businesses behave and how the government behaves. Eventually, economics will change the way you see the world!

    Economics… actually it’s not rocket science but still most students have trouble with understanding it. I hope with these videos economics will be EASY and FUN to learn.

    *Special for Mdis Tashkent students who have suffered from teaching system at the institute

    (All rights belong to Jacob Clifford. Please subscribe his youtube channel if you like his videos: https://


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