Jessica Jung – Gravity (Sing a Song With Yourself)


    I had spent seven years as a trainee for being a singer
    I had lived happily within these 7 years
    I started to have a life that I would use up all my spare time for preparation
    Every day I went to practice right after classes were over
    Although it was tired sometimes, I never thought of giving up
    As a singer, I use my voice to express myself, showing my talents and jobs on stage.
    I can have direct contact with the audience
    But then, as a fashion designer, to compare it’s like working behind the scene.
    It’s a job that you need to pay efforts behind
    It seems to me that this is the difference between being a singer and fashion designer
    Basically, my aim is to do everything with happiness
    So no matter the life as a trainee or participating in fashion industry now
    They are both somethings that I think I can keep on working for,
    They are also my dreams since I was small
    If I were given a chance, I would purchase it for sure
    Gravity is a song that I really love
    I once thought ”Is it ok for me to sing it fearlessly?”
    It’s a song that fills with a lot of emotions
    Involving the feeling of “once loved”, “being hurt and afterwards”
    There are many parts that I feel like the same way
    So I really want to sing it to let you guys listen


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