Gankers Pay The Price – Time Is Convoluted


    A rip in the space-time continuum sees that this gank goes down.

    Recorded live on

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    At the same time and the same place souls series streamer Peeve meets a player which has the same name and the same outfit Peeve used to have back in 2012. This unique event purely by a chance made to happen two players with name Peeve invaded the same place at the same time.

    It could be hard to understand why it is so unique and epic if you don’t know the souls series streamer. But just keep in mind that it is very unlikely that someone will invade the same place at the same time with the name and outfit(armor, weapons etc.) you used to equip.

    It is like past YOU (literally you from the past) invaded present you in order to help you defeat the gankers.

    ! Notice the fist bump at the end!


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