A Closer Look at the jMonkeyEngine


    Part of the Closer Look at series: http://www.gamefromscrat...com/page/G…;

    Text version: http://www.gamefromscrat...com/post/2…;

    A closer look is a cross between a review, getting start tutorial and overview of a game engine. It’s designed to give you an overview of an engine, to help you decide if the particular engine is right for you.

    Today we look at the open source Java based jMonkeyEngine engine. It’s a cross platform 3D engine built over top of the Netbeans IDE. Capable of targeting most desktops, Android and shortly, iOS. It includes most modern functionality in a 3D game engine, all while being released under the developer friendly BSD license. Free as in beer and free as in free is always nice.


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