Android vs. iOS The Truth about Apple and Google’s OS


    After using an iPhone for 30 days, I realized that Android has a much more polished UI and more intuitive features. Things were much more difficult to do on the iPhone then they were on Android. This is the reason why I created this video.

    Originally scheduled to be a 6 part mini series of about 1 hour and 20 min long documentary style video. Due to time and schedule I wasn’t able to ever finish the project. However, every time I see a debate on how iOS is much «easier» or how «it just works» I always wished I had made this video to show the reality and truth.

    Before you call me an «Android Fanboy» I will tell you that I own several Apple products including the New iPad which I think is the best tablet (for me at least) even comparing to all of the Android tablets out there. As I said in my video, use what works best for you. All I am doing is sharing my experience with how I felt using the iPhone 4S. I love technology and enjoy using Google, Apple, Asus, Samsung, and many other gadgets out there. I hope you enjoy this video!

    Part 1 rus:
    Part 2 rus:
    Part 3:
    Part 4:
    FAQ 1:


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